Trees of Jannah – Kufic Zikr Squares


/ Large -4 X 15″X15″: $64.99 / Medium 4 X 11″ X 11″: $45.99 / Small 4 x 7″ x 7″: $29.99 /


Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La illaha illah, Allahu akbar are the Trees of Jannah. Once Abu Hurairah (RAD) was planting small trees. When the Prophet of Allah passed by (S.A.W) and asked, “oh Abu Hurairah! what are you planting? Abu Hurairah replied, “Saplings for myself”. He (S.A.W) said, “Shall I not tell you of better saplings than these? The Prophet (S.A.W) informed him to say, Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laillahaillallah, Allahuakbar: for each one of these a tree will be planted for you in paradise. (ibne-majah) With  this beautiful Kufic Islamic wall art constantly remind yourself to praise Allah.


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